Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hit Between the Eyes: Again!

I thought this picture was funny!  This is exactly the way I felt as I studied my Bible last night!   Have you ever struggled with something very basic in your Christian life?  I mean something so simple and you wonder "What in the world am I doing wrong?  This should be easy!"  Then, hopefully you pick up your Bible and begin to read and, BAM!  The answer hits you upside the head! 

I've been at the Christian walk for what seems like a very long time, but sometimes I forget the basics.  Right now I am teaching my two oldest children phonics.  The reading program I use starts off teaching each letter and focusing on the sound it makes.  As my children learn, they will soon be recognizing the words more than seeing each individual letter.  So it is in the Christian life.  Bits and pieces make a whole.

Last night I read, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

heartily=sincerely, warmly, cordially, vigorously, eagerly, earnestly, zealously

I'm afraid I've been acting more like a drill sargent lately.  Sometimes I take care of my children's needs in the same un-caring, un-loving way as I would feed the cat, or dump water on a houseplant.  I have been VERY BUSY, but my work has been lacking in heart and soul!  No wonder my wheels have been spinning, but I feel like I'm stuck in the mud!  I've been forgetting some of my "ABC's."

Also, I do not work for my husband, or my children, or for myself.  I work for my Saviour, Jesus Christ!  My Boss is ALWAYS watching!  I must forever be working to attain a new height of excellence.

I thank God that He hasn't given up on me yet!  He is SO patient!  He is SO kind!  He is my Saviour, and I love Him!

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