Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pardon Our Dust

"Every wise woman buildeth her house: But the foolish plucketh it down with her hands."  Proverbs 14:1

   This past summer, my husband did some remodeling in our  basement.  We were going to put in a nice large room, our bedroom, with a NICE walk-in closet.  The planning for the room actually began the previous fall.  Sketching, planning, buying the material, changing our (my) mind about things, re-planning, buying the building material...Finally, the project could really begin.  To save time, my husband brought all of the power tools into the basement, he cut boards, dry-wall, ceiling tiles, wire and numerous other things.  Walls went up, lights  and electric went in, ceiling, paint, know what?  There was a LOT of dust!  We hauled out bag after bag of scraps and dust.  So it is with any building project. 

   Life is no different.  We begin planning as little girls.  (I did, didn't you?)  We decide what kind of man we want to marry, what kind of job he will have what kind of house we will live in, how we will decorate each room, how many kids we will have, what their names will be, where we will live...the decisions are endless.  We soon realize that we are not the Contractor; that there is Someone out there that has been planning our lives since the beginning of time!  A choice is made.  We either gathered up our own armful of cheap building supplies and started off on our own to make our own mess, our we wisely took the blueprints, and the supplies given us by the contractor, followed His directions and His plan, and begin to build our house.

   When I was fourteen, I surrendered, the best I knew how, my life to the Lord.  I remember that I wanted His will more than anything in the whole world.  I wanted to serve Him with my life and do great things and see miracles!  In my heart, I knew that I would marry a preacher!  As a junior in my christian school, I began to consider Christian colleges.  I wrestled with the decision (for I knew that this would be the place I would locate a good Working Supervisor for my building project) and suffered many sleepless nights.  I cried and prayed and begged and pleaded with the Lord to show me his direction.  Did he give me the answer and a view of the future?  No.  He gave me a song,

                           "Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
                            Look full in his wonderful face. 
                            And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, 
                            In the light of His glory and grace."

   Such a peace filled my heart and the burden was lifted!  I was beginning to realize that my God knew the path I would take, and that when it was time, He would show me the way!

  Through a series of events, God led me to the right place at just the right time.  His direction and leading were so clear that I had NO doubts that He was in control.  When I got to college I certainly kept my eyes peeled for "Supervisor" that I would marry.  I picked him out myself several times!   But, alas, my Contractor had other plans!  I graduated from college and served on staff for over a year before He revealed that part of the plan to me!

   Now, I've been married for just over six years.  My Supervisor (husband) and I have four beautiful, healthy children that keep us so busy our heads are spinning.  My husband IS a preacher and pastors a quaint country church in the cornfields of Indiana.  We live in a sturdy little house in a small farm town and we are very happy and content!

   You know, sometimes I am still tempted to take a crayon (red is my favorite)  and add and edit the blueprints my contractor gives me each day.  You would think that after the beautiful way he has handled my life so far that I would easily trust him with my daily plans, and with my future.  Each day, I have to meet with the Contractor for my day's instructions, and submit myself to the will of my Supervisor.  Thankfully the two of them are pretty close and both are crazy about me!  Each day I pick up some tools (Bible, prayer, a meek and quiet spirit, to name a few) and get to work.  There's no cancellations for bad weather and no calling in sick!  And yes, there is a LOT of DUST!  I'm not perfect.  I make MANY mistakes, sometimes I don't use the right tools, and sometimes I get rebellious and try to do things my own way.  Several times my Supervisor and my Contractor have to undo some of my mistakes for me, but it's the BEST JOB I'VE EVER HAD!  And I love it.

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