There are women in this world that I greatly admire. They seem to have it all together. They have a great spirit, they love the Lord with all their heart, they seem to have perfect homes and perfect children and perfect peace! I love to be around them and to learn from them. I try to copy them and do what they do to achieve what they have achieved in their lives. I am certainly not one of these people! I do not have it all together and sometimes I find that my spirit is in pretty bad shape as well. I DESPERATELY, DESPERATELY, want God's blessings and wisdom, strength and peace. I know that these women that I so admire are not perfect. I also know that at one time they were in my shoes, standing on the brink of the decision to either let Christ be Lord of their lives and have His way, or live for self.
I recently delved into my Bible, seeking, searching, and BEGGING God to help me. I NEED His help every moment for my sake, my husband's sake, and my children's sake, and my friend's sake! I would just like to share some of the truths He gave me over the next few days.
Unfeigned Faith
“When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” II Timothy 1:5
Faith= unquestioning belief in God; complete trust, confidence, or reliance; allegiance to; loyalty.
…the just shall live by his faith. Hab. 2:4
Sometimes it seems like the hardest thing in the world is to trust God. Why do we think that God can’t handle our problems? Often times I believe that God CAN answer my prayer, but I don’t always believe that he would WANT TO answer my prayer. By faith I need to believe that God loves me and wants the best for me.
It is so vital to be real, or unfeigned. Don't fake it! Live it! Your children see you, your spouse, your co-workers are watching, and most importantly, God knows you inside and out!
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